The Internet and the World Wide Web have brought many changes that provide huge
benefits, in particular by giving people easy access to information that was
previously unavailable, or simply hard to find. Unfortunately, these changes have
raised many new challenges in the security of computer systems and the protection
of information against unauthorized access and abusive usage. At Google, our
primary focus is the user, and his/her safety. We have people working on nearly
every aspect of security, privacy, and anti-abuse including access control and
information security, networking, operating systems, language design, cryptography,
fraud detection and prevention, spam and abuse detection, denial of service,
anonymity, privacy-preserving systems, disclosure controls, as well as user
interfaces and other human-centered aspects of security and privacy. Our security
and privacy efforts cover a broad range of systems including, mobile, cloud,
distributed, sensors and embedded systems, and large-scale machine learning.
Google Security, Privacy & Abuse Research All Google Researchers
Abu Rajab Moheeb Abu Rajab
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Anthonysamy Pauline Anthonysamy
- Research Area(s)
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
Balfanz Dirk Balfanz
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Ballard Lucas Ballard
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Bilogrevic Igor Bilogrevic
- Research Area(s)
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Machine Intelligence
- Mobile Systems
Birgisson Arnar Birgisson
Bursztein Elie Bursztein
Cochran Martin Cochran
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Cohen Michael Cohen
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Collis Michael Collis
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Engineering
Conlan Richard M. Conlan
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Consolvo Sunny Consolvo
Criscione Claudio Criscione
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Czeskis Alexei Czeskis
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
D'Silva Vijay D'Silva
- Research Area(s)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Dai Weisi Dai
De Luca Alexander De Luca
Dey Arkajit Dey
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Donner Marc Donner
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Drewry Will Drewry
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Duebendorfer Thomas Duebendorfer
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Eisinger Jochen Eisinger
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Erlingsson Úlfar Erlingsson
Felt Adrienne Porter Felt
Ganti Ashwin Ganti
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Glass Simon Glass
- Research Area(s)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Ho Justin T. Ho
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Invernizzi Luca Invernizzi
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Ion Iulia Ion
Jagpal Nav Jagpal
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Jurczyk Mateusz Jurczyk
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Kannan Jayanthkumar Kannan
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Kasper Emilia Kasper
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Kissner Lea Kissner
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Kluever Kurt Alfred Kluever
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Kumari Warren Kumari
- Research Area(s)
- Data Management
- Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing
- General Science
Laurie Ben Laurie
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Engineering
- Software Systems
MacKenzie Philip MacKenzie
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Maniatis Petros Maniatis
- Research Area(s)
- Mobile Systems
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Mavrommatis Panayiotis Mavrommatis
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
McCune Jonathan M. McCune
- Research Area(s)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Metwally Ahmed Metwally
- Research Area(s)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Networking
Miller Mark S. Miller
Mironov Ilya Mironov
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Moscicki Angelika Moscicki
Moser Andreas Moser
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna Muthusrinivasan
- Research Area(s)
- Networking
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Nguyen Quan Nguyen
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Osborn Barclay Osborn
- Research Area(s)
- Networking
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Peddinti Sai Teja Peddinti
Picod Jean-Michel Picod
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Pike Geoff Pike
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Provos Niels Provos
- Research Area(s)
- Networking
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Przydatek Bartosz Przydatek
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Raghunathan Ananth Raghunathan
- Research Area(s)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Reeder Robert W. Reeder
Reis Charles Reis
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Sampemane Geetanjali Sampemane
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Santos-Neto Elizeu Santos-Neto
Schnorf Sebastian Schnorf
Shankar Umesh Shankar
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Tabriz Parisa Tabriz
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Taft Nina Taft
Taly Ankur Taly
Thomas Kurt Thomas
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Tice Caroline Tice
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Walfish Shabsi Walfish
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Ward Rory Ward
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Watson Paul (Tony) Watson
- Research Area(s)
- Networking
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Systems
Weichselbaum Lukas Weichselbaum
- Research Area(s)
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
- Software Engineering
Woodruff Allison Woodruff
Xu Jun Xu
- Research Area(s)
- Data Mining and Modeling
- Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention
Yang Ke Yang