Parisa Tabriz
Parisa Tabriz manages Google's information security engineering team at Google, which is responsible for improving Google's product security. This team of "hired hackers" conducts security design and code reviews, builds and enhances Google technology to make secure development possible and easy, conducts security engineering training, and does vulnerability response.
Parisa received her B.S. and M.S. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and was advised by Nikita Borisov.
Research Areas
Authored Publications
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Fixing HTTPS Misconfigurations at Scale: An Experiment with Security Notifications
Eric Zeng
Frank Li
The 2019 Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (2019) (to appear)
Does Certificate Transparency Break the Web? Measuring Adoption and Error Rate
Brendan McMillion
Rijad Muminović
Devon O'Brien
Ryan Sleevi
Eran Messeri
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (2019) (to appear)
Where the Wild Warnings Are: Root Causes of Chrome Certificate Errors
Bhanu Dev
Sascha Fahl
Radhika Bhargava
Ryan Sleevi
Matt Braithwaite
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (2017)
Measuring HTTPS adoption on the web
April King
Richard Barnes
Chris Palmer
Chris Bentzel
USENIX Security (2017)
Denial of Service or Denial of Security? How Attacks can Compromize Anonymity
George Danezis
Nikita Borisov
Prateek Mittal
Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ACM, Alexandria, VA (2007)
Byzantine Attacks on Anonymity Systems
Nikita Borisov
George Danezis
Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices (2007)