Emilia Kasper

Emilia Kasper

Emilia joined Google in 2011 and is currently part of the Information Security Engineering team where she focuses on secure API design. She is a co-author of Google's Certificate Transparency proposal and a member of the OpenSSL development team. She has published papers on high-speed cryptography and holds a PhD from KU Leuven, Belgium.
Authored Publications
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DROWN: Breaking TLS using SSLv2
J. Alex Halderman
Viktor Dukhovni
Yuval Shavitt
Shaanan Cohney
David Adrian
Jens Steube
Luke Valenta
Christoph Paar
Susanne Engels
Nadia Heninger
Sebastian Schinzel
Juraj Somorovsky
Nimrod Aviram
Maik Dankel
25th USENIX Security Symposium (2016)
The Dangers of Composing Anonymous Channels
George Danezis
Information Hiding - 14th International Conference, IH 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, Lecture notes in Computer Science (2013), pp. 191-206
Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in OpenSSL
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2011 Workshops, RLCPS and WECSR, Springer