Dataset Explore Download About

Deprecation Notice

This version of the dataset is deprecated and will be deleted on July 1, 2018. You should use the 2018 version of the dataset instead.


We offer the YouTube8M dataset for download as TensorFlow Record files. We provide downloader script that fetches the dataset in shards and stores them in the current directory (output of pwd). It can be restarted if the connection drops. In which case, it only downloads shards that haven't been downloaded yet. We also provide html index pages listing all shards, if you'd like to manually download them. There are two versions of the features: frame-level and video-level features. The dataset is made available by Google Inc. under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

Starter Code

Starter code for the dataset can be found on our GitHub page. In addition to training code, you will also find python scripts for evaluating standard metrics for comparisons between models.

Frame-level features dataset

Frame-level features are stored as tensorflow.SequenceExample protocol buffers. A tensorflow.SequenceExample proto is reproduced here in text format:
context: {
  feature: {
    key  : "video_id"
    value: {
      bytes_list: {
        value: [""]  # Empty string
  feature: {
    key  : "labels"
      value: {
        int64_list: {
          value: [1, 522, 11, 172] # The meaning of the labels can be found here.

feature_lists: {
  feature_list: {
    key  : "rgb"
    value: {
      feature: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [1024 8bit quantized features]
      feature: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [1024 8bit quantized features]
      ... # Repeated for every second of the video, up to 300
  feature_list: {
    key  : "audio"
    value: {
      feature: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [128 8bit quantized features]
      feature: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [128 8bit quantized features]
    ... # Repeated for every second of the video, up to 300

The total size of the frame-level features is 1.71 Terabytes.

You can download the 2017 Dataset here.

Video-level features dataset

Video-level features are stored as tensorflow.Example protocol buffers. A tensorflow.Example proto is reproduced here in text format:
features: {
  feature: {
    key  : "video_id"
    value: {
      bytes_list: {
        value: [""]  # Empty string
  feature: {
    key  : "labels"
    value: {
      int64_list: {
        value: [1, 522, 11, 172] # The meaning of the labels can be found here.
  feature: {
    key  : "mean_rgb" # Average of all 'rgb' features for the video
    value: {
      float_list: {
        value: [1024 float features]
  feature: {
    key  : "mean_audio" # Average of all 'audio' features for the video
    value: {
      float_list: {
        value: [128 float features]
The total size of the video-level features is 31 Gigabytes.

You can download the 2017 Dataset here.
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