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Research trails: getting back where you left off

Jiahui Liu
Peter Jin Hong
Elin Rønby Pedersen
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World Wide Web, ACM, Raleigh, North Carolina (2010), pp. 1151-1152


In this paper, we present a prototype system that helps users in early-stage web research to create and reestablish context across fragmented work process, without requiring them to explicitly collect and organize the material they visit. The system clusters a user's web history and shows it as research trails. We present two user interaction models with the research trails. The first interaction model is implemented as a standalone application, which presents a hierarchical view of research trails. The second interaction model is integrated with the web browser. It shows the user's research trails as selectable and manipulable visual streams when they open a new tab. Thereby, the NewTab page serves as a springboard in the browser for a user resuming an ongoing task.