Google Network Infrastructure Team

About our work

Our team brings together experts in networking, distributed systems, kernel and systems programming, and algorithms to create the networks that power Google. Our networks are among the world’s largest and fastest, and we design them to be reliable, cheap, and easy to evolve. We often use new technologies unavailable outside Google.

We exemplify Google’s Hybrid Approach to Research: we deploy real-world systems at global scale. Many members of our team have extensive research experience, we publish papers in conferences such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP, and OSDI, and we work closely with interns and faculty from leading universities.

Every Google product relies on the technologies we develop. Our networks support complex, highly-available, planetary-scale distributed systems with billions of users. We constantly evolve our networks to meet the requirements of, and create opportunities for, new and better Google products, especially the rapidly-growing Google Cloud.

Some of Our Research Areas

Some of Our Publications

We believe in the peer-review process and in doing our part to support it. Our team members frequently participate in conference program committees. Our team includes former program-committee chairs for 14 SIGCOMM, NSDI, and HotNets events, plus PC chairs for many other systems conferences.

Some of Our Team

Senior Staff Software Engineer
Senior Staff Software Engineer
Principal Software Engineer
Google Fellow