proCover: Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers

Joanne Leong
Patrick Parzer
Florian Perteneder
Teo Babic
Christian Rendl
Anita Vogl
Hubert Egger
Alex Olwal
Michael Haller
Proceedings of UIST 2016 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), ACM, pp. 335-346


Today’s commercially available prosthetic limbs lack tactile
sensation and feedback. Recent research in this domain focuses
on sensor technologies designed to be directly embedded
into future prostheses. We present a novel concept and
prototype of a prosthetic-sensing wearable that offers a noninvasive,
self-applicable and customizable approach for the
sensory augmentation of present-day and future low to midrange
priced lower-limb prosthetics. From consultation with
eight lower-limb amputees, we investigated the design space
for prosthetic sensing wearables and developed novel interaction
methods for dynamic, user-driven creation and mapping
of sensing regions on the foot to wearable haptic feedback actuators.
Based on a pilot-study with amputees, we assessed the
utility of our design in scenarios brought up by the amputees
and we summarize our findings to establish future directions
for research into using smart textiles for the sensory enhancement
of prosthetic limbs.