UX management: current and future trends

Janice A. Rohn
Kathy Baxter
Catherine Courage
Janaki Kumar
Carola Fellenz Thompson
Steve Rogers
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM (2013), pp. 2413-2418


User Experience (UX) leaders and managers are required to continually adapt to changes in: organizational strategies and re-structuring, resources, technology, economic pressures, and other factors. Simultaneously, more companies are realizing that they need UX expertise to ensure that they are competitive in today's marketplace. This panel is comprised of UX leaders who have created strategies and tactics to succeed both in spite of and with the aid of the past and current trends. The panel will focus on the current trends, what strategies and tactics have and have not worked in addressing these trends, and also discuss which future trends they think will impact UX departments, companies, and the field, and how they are preparing for these future trends.

The panel will be of interest to managers, practitioners and those who work closely with these teams, including developers, project managers, market researchers, test managers, and executives.