Foundational Issues in Touch-Surface Stroke Gesture Design — An Integrative Review

Per Ola Kristensson, Caroline Appert, Tue Haste Anderson, Xiang Cao
Foundations and Trends in Human–Computer Interaction, NOW (2012), pp. 97-205
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The advent of modern touchscreen devices has unleashed many opportunities and calls for innovative use of stroke gestures as a richer interaction medium. A significant body of knowledge on stroke gesture design is scattered throughout the Human-Computer Interaction research literature. Primarily based on the authors' own decade-long gesture user interface (UI) research which launched the word-gesture keyboard paradigm, Foundational Issues in Touch-Surface Stroke Gesture Design - An Integrative Review synthesizes some of the foundational issues of human motor control complexity, visual and auditory feedback, and memory and learning capacity concerning gesture user interfaces. In the second half of the book a set of gesture UI design principles is derived from the research literature. The book also covers system implementation aspects of gesture UI such as gesture recognition algorithms and design toolkits. Foundational Issues in Touch-Surface Stroke Gesture Design - An Integrative Review is an ideal primer for researchers and graduate students embarking on research in gesture interfaces. It is also an excellent reference for designers and developers who want to leverage insights and lessons learned in the academic research community.