Carrie Grimes Bostock

Carrie Grimes Bostock

Carrie Grimes Bostock graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in Anthropology/Archaeology in 1998, and an interest in quantitative methods for dealing with disparate data. She graduated from Stanford in 2003 with a PhD in Statistics after working with David Donoho on Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction problems, and has been at Google since mid-2003. Dr. Grimes spent many years leading a research and technical team in Search at Google trying to figure out what criteria make a search engine index "good," "fast," and "comprehensive" - and how to achieve those goals. Currently, she is the Technical Lead for resource planning, pricing, and management data/software in Technical Infrastructure.
Authored Publications
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Availability in Globally Distributed Storage Systems
Daniel Ford
Francois Labelle
Florentina Popovici
Murray Stokely
Van-Anh Truong
Luiz Barroso
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, USENIX (2010)
Using a Market Economy to Provision Compute Resources Across Planet-wide Clusters
Murray Stokely
Jim Winget
Ed Keyes
Benjamin Yolken
Proceedings for the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2009, IEEE, pp. 1-8
Query logs alone are not enough
Daniel Russell
WWW 2007 Workshop on Query Log Analysis: Social and Technological Changes