Hilary Hutchinson
Authored Publications
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To Smiley, Or Not To Smiley? Considerations and Experimentation to Optimize Data Quality and User Experience for Contextual Product Satisfaction Measurement?
Aaron Sedley
https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQMmPQ6xeyUWbA_tey23GiXJ8SUdZWn8FiL5E5x7BGrKOLe7Im8UnXOfRxBkFB0OYo_7ioovOpVztB1/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=5000 (2017)
Adolescent search roles
Elizabeth Foss
Allison Druin
Jason Yip
Whitney Ford
Evan Golub
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(1) (2013), pp. 173-189
Children's Roles Using Keyword Search Interfaces in the Home
Allison Druin
Elizabeth Foss
Evan Golub
Leshell Hatley
Proceedings of CHI 2010, ACM Press
How Children Search the Internet with Keyword Interfaces
Allison Druin
Elizabeth Foss
Leshell Hatley
Evan Golub
Mona Leigh Guha
Jerry Fails
Interaction Design and Children, ACM, Como, Italy (2009), pp. 89-96
User Preference and Search Engine Latency
Jake D. Brutlag
Maria Stone
JSM Proceedings, Qualtiy and Productivity Research Section., American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA (2008)
Designing Searching and Browsing Software for Elementary-Age Children
Allison Druin
Benjamin Bederson
Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations, Wiley, West Sussex, UK (2007), pp. 13-42
Shared Family Calendars: Promoting Symmetry and Accessibility
Catherine Plaisant
Aaron Clamage
Benjamin Bederson
Allison Druin
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13 (3) (2006), pp. 313-346
The Evolution of the International Children's Digital Library Searching and Browsing Interface
Benjamin Bederson
Allison Druin
Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children, ACM Press (2006), pp. 105-112